By entering the event you agree to abide by these conditions of entry and any race instructions given to you by the organisers and officials of the Bridgwater Half Marathon BWHM 10K, Bridgwater 5K Fun Run or any other event associated with it.

It operates a no refund and no carry forward policy once you have entered the event/s.

If the event is cancelled for reasons outside the control of the organisers then no refunds will be available, an alternative date will be sought and you will be eligible for carrying over entry to the alternative date.

Where the event is cancelled for any reason in the control of the organisers then a full refund will be available but compensation will be strictly limited to the race entry paid and the organisers will not be responsible for other losses incurred due to the cancellation.

This event operates under Licence from UK Athletics.


All Half Marathon entrants must be over the age of 17 years of age.

All 10 kilometre race entrants must be over the age of 15 years of age.


You must not compete on roller skates/blades, skateboard or any other form of propelled object, or push children/adults around the route in any form of carry.

You must not be escorted or paced by anyone on foot or cycle.

You are not permitted to enter with any animal with the exception of guide dogs; arrangements for guide dogs must be made with the organisers in advance of the event.

The races are staged on single carriageway roads that are not wholly closed to traffic and therefore use of headphones or similar devices (other than those medically prescribed) is prohibited, contravention will result in disqualification from the race.

We reserve the right to change fees, alter programme details, prizes and prize structures and any aspect of the event management organisations.

For safety reasons and primarily for identification by medical staff, the swapping, sale, resale or transfer of race numbers is strictly prohibited.

Participants must complete their details and sign the back of their race number prior to the event.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse an entrant’s attendance at or participation in the event or any future event.

We aim to organise a safe and enjoyable event and hope that you will help us in achieving this. Any participant who is found in breach of these terms and conditions may be excluded from future events.


It is strongly recommended that you train for the event/s.

All participants are strongly advised to consult with their doctor prior to undertaking any exercise programme or running event.

It is the responsibility of all participants to ensure they are medically fit to participate in the event.

We recommend you look at our guidelines and linked web sites for further information.


By entering the event/s you give permission for the free use of your name, voice or picture in any broadcast, telecast, advertising, web site, promotion or other account of this event/s.


I acknowledge and agree that my personal information (including medical information entered on my race number or collected by Event Staff during the event/s or after the event/s) can be stored, used and disclosed by the Organiser in connection with the organisation, promotion and administration of the event/s and for the compilation of statistical information.


We comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and you have the right of access to personal records held on the organiser’s computer on written request.

Your name will be added to the organiser’s mailing list so that we can keep you informed about other events and activities of the event organisers.


Race Numbers are issued to the individual completing the application and they cannot be sold or transferred.

Registered half marathon and 10 kilometre race entrants who do not want to run must notify us if they want to defer their place to the followings year’s race via email to by 15th August.

Any deferral emails received after the 15th August will not be deferred to the following year’s race.

The rate that must be paid to defer a half marathon/10K place to the following year’s race is £7.50 which must be paid by cheque by 31st August.

We regret that once entry applications have been processed we cannot refund any entry fee.


Must be worn on the front of vest.

Competitors are not permitted to discard or cover up any logo or advertisement associated with the race organisation.


Please supply an emergency contact telephone number in the space provided on the rear of your race number.